Stand Up Forklift Certification and Training
There are few vehicles better suited for navigating narrow warehouse aisles than the stand up forklift. For this reason – and many others – the stand up forklift has become an essential tool in warehouses and job sites around the world. Any operator driving a stand up forklift must be certified to do so.
And it’s the responsibility of employers to provide stand up forklift certification for all lift operators. But how can you keep up with OSHA’s safety guidelines, especially when some can change quickly? (FLC), the leader in online stand up forklift training, gives you a reliable, rapid method for ensuring all your forklift drivers are fully OSHA compliant.
Our Training Kit is popular with small, medium, and large companies for stand up forklift certification, since all employees can become compliant for the low price of $299. And if you’re looking for a way to have your own in-house certification specialist, we have a Train the Trainer program for anyone that’s interested! Sign up for stand up forklift training with FLC today!
What is a Stand up Forklift?
Just what is a stand up forklift, anyway? According to official OSHA classification standards, a stand up forklift is considered a Class III powered industrial truck. stand up counterbalanced forklifts are often used on service docks when workers are constantly loading, unloading, and stacking pallets. They’re used to make logistical processes faster and more efficient. “stand up” refers to the position of the driver; for stand up forklifts, the driver is in a standing position, as opposed to regular sit-down lifts, where the driver sits. There are other important safety distinctions between the two types of lifts, and employers are responsible for teaching their workers about those distinctions. Education ensures that employees can safely and properly use a stand up or sit-down forklift.
Benefits of Stand up Forklifts
Stand up forklifts are ideal for navigating narrow aisles and other tight spaces. They’re shorter, more compact, and have a tighter turning radius than their sit-down equivalents. This makes the forklift more maneuverable and provides workers with better access. There’s also the convenience factor to consider – when learning how to drive a stand up forklift, you’ll quickly learn how much easier it is to get on and off the machine. Since you stand in a sideways position, you’ll see visibility improve, too. All of these differences are covered in our stand up forklift certification.
How to Drive a Stand Up Forklift
Driving a stand up forklift is similar to the operation of standard types of lifts. The main difference lies in the operator’s position on the lift. As the name implies, stand up lifts are driven by operators who remain standing while the lift is in use. In order to truly understand how to drive a forklift, it’s a good idea to enroll in a certification course. Reading about how to drive these complex machines is one thing – in reality, operating them is often far different!
Safety is always a key consideration when learning how to operate a stand up forklift. There are many things that an operator can do to safely operate a stand up forklift, including:
- Ensure the forks are retracted before starting the lift
- Keep the forks pointed upwards
- Use the control handle for steering
- When moving the lift, tilt the control handle back in the direction in which you need to travel and keep your foot on the power pedal
- When driving in reverse, beep the horn to warn other workers and pedestrians and reduce the risk of accidents
- When stopping the lift, take your foot off of the accelerate pedal and move the control handle back to its original position
- Raise and lower loads carefully – this is critical for stand up forklift certification.
To enjoy the full benefits of stand up forklifts, it’s important that drivers understand how to drive a stand up forklift safely. With proper stand up forklift training, operators can remain safe and productive.
Guide to Operating Stand up Forklifts Safely
Learning how to operate a stand up forklift begins with a thorough inspection, which can be improved with stand up forklift training. Maintenance checks help ensure the vehicle is working correctly and safely. Check the wheels, fluid levels, charge levels, as well as the forks and mast. Ensure safety lights are working before securing the load. Before engaging the load, make sure that the fork width is stable enough to keep the load steady.
Once you lift the load, don’t extend the mass to full height. Instead, carry the load within a few inches of the floor. Carrying too high can make the stand up forklift unstable and even causes tip-overs. If you’re not carrying a load, be sure you don’t have the forks tilted excessively down. This can cause safety issues as you travel.
Stand up Forklift Operator Certification Needs
Stand up forklift training requirements are established by OSHA. Their guideline 29 CFR 1910.78 (1) (1) requires that all forklift operators, including stand up lift operators, complete an OSHA-approved training program. Whether you’re transporting cargo in a warehouse, moving materials on a construction site, or stocking shelves in a retail store, it’s important to understand the safety risks associated with these machines. Fortunately, stand up forklift certification is easy to learn from the convenience of home.
FLC offers three stand up forklift training programs:
Forklift Training and Certification Kit
This versatile and affordable OSHA-approved training is the most comprehensive class you’ll find anywhere for comprehensive stand up forklift training. In as little as just an hour, your employees will learn all they need about operating stand up forklifts. For just $299, it’s the only class you’ll ever need to train and certify your operators.
Train the Trainer Program
This forklift operator program will allow your company to have a certified training expert that’s always on hand to train your other operators on stand up forklift training! Through our Train the Trainer class, one of your employees becomes your in-house OSHA expert. It’s ideal for companies that have a forklift training program in place, but need a trainer to evaluate and certify their unlicensed forklift drivers. The cost to train your own Forklift Safety Expert is only $149.
Bundle Package
Can’t decide between our two forklift operator license programs and need to know how to operate a stand up forklift? No worries. Our bundle package includes both our Train a Trainer and Training Kit classes in a value-added package priced at just $399, which makes the training even more affordable! There’s no other OSHA training resource around that offers such a terrific value when training your employees how to drive a stand up forklift!
The bottom line: provides everything needed for your employees to become OSHA-certified stand up forklift drivers.
What if Your Stand up Forklift Drivers Aren’t Certified?
stand up forklift operators are required by law to be OSHA-certified before they begin driving lifts at work. No matter how experienced you might be, without that certification, you and your colleagues could face expensive OSHA fines. These penalties are truly just the beginning, though. Other costs may include legal fees, lost productivity, and increased health insurance premiums for everyone on staff. There’s also the risk of bad publicity – if it gets out that your employees are not adequately certified, clients may choose to take their business elsewhere. It can be hard to assign a dollar value to all the potential consequences of not properly certifying employees.
Beyond the financial ramifications of not certifying stand up forklift operators, there are safety risks to consider. With untrained and inexperienced operators at the helm, it may be only a matter of time before a forklift accident occurs. When safety isn’t prioritized, workers pay the price. Serious injuries and even fatalities can occur when uncertified employees operate stand up forklifts.
Stand up Forklift FAQs
If you still have questions about stand up forklifts, there is no need to stress. Here are answers to common questions about these lifts:
What are Common stand up Forklift Applications?
stand up forklifts are used in a variety of commercial and industrial settings. Warehouses, construction sites, maintenance facilities, distribution centers and many other job environments require stand up forklifts to move cargo, material and more. That’s why standing forklift certification is so important – without it, your employees aren’t able to run this type of powered industrial truck.
Is it Difficult to Drive a Stand up Forklift?
Without stand up forklift safety training, yes. With standing forklift certification, not at all!
What’s the best way to learn how to use a stand up forklift and get standing forklift certification?
The best option is Our training courses are designed for 100% OSHA compliance and cover all aspects of standing forklift safety!
What are the Benefits of Stand up Forklifts?
There are several key benefits of using stand up forklifts on the job. stand up forklifts are great options for businesses that require lifts to quickly move loads in narrow aisles. The lifts do not require operators to set a parking brake, either. stand up forklifts provide more open fields of view, which gives operators improved visibility when driving both forward and backward. They also reduce the risk of accidents resulting from obscured vision.
Improved driver awareness is another key benefit of stand up forklifts. Sitting for hours on end, along with having to repeatedly get up and out of the forklift throughout the day can cause operators to become drowsy and fatigued. stand up forklifts help operators feel less tired and remain more alert while on the job.
There are ergonomic benefits for workers, too. stand up forklifts have controls that are easy to reach and use, padding for foot and back comfort, and an ergonomically designed operator chamber. Each of these unique features can reduce an operator’s risk of experiencing back pain and improves forklift handling.
What are the Limitations of Stand up Forklifts?
Before driving a stand up forklift, it’s important to understand a few of the machine’s limitations. stand up forklifts may be less comfortable to operate than other lifts. Without cushioned seats to rest on, workers may find themselves tiring more quickly than when they operate standard forklifts. Standing up all day can be hard on the body, especially if proper warehouse attire is not worn.
Operators will need to learn how to use a joystick to safely use stand up forklifts as well. While sit-down forklifts require the use of a steering wheel and pedals, stand up lifts use a steering knob on the operator’s side and a joystick control at the front of the machine. The controls are designed to mimic a person’s natural movements and reduce unnecessary strain, but there is a bit of a learning curve. They can receive insights into the safe use of stand up lifts as part of an OSHA-approved training program.

Why Choose FLC for Stand-up Forklift Training
A stand up forklift license can help workers stay safe and productive on the job. It’s also legally required – without proper training and certification, workers won’t be able to take advantage of such powerful equipment. With FLC, your team can get certified in about an hour’s time. Convenient, affordable, and comprehensive, our training can get your business in compliance with OSHA regulations.
If you still have questions or need guidance about stand up forklift certification, which stand up forklift training course is right for your needs and need to teach your employees how to operate a stand up forklift, reach out to the FLC team at any time. Our OSHA experts are happy to shed light on legal requirements and take the guesswork out of compliance issues. Visit our contact page or give us a call at (888) 278-8896 today.